Integral Vision Africa
Serving God’s servants by equipping and joining together in making Him known to those who do not know Him .
Who We Are
While the Church in Africa has expanded to every nation on the continent, many people groups still remain unreached or have not had a clear presentation of the gospel in their heart language.
From the broadest point of view, “our vision” for Africa is truly framed by our desire to discern where God is already at work in this great continent, and then to determine our role as participants in what He is doing.
We know that God is the One that is seeking to make Himself known throughout the people groups of Africa, and that He is doing this through His Church. As we seek out evidence of God at work, we fully expect to find His people in Africa already active in pursuing the fulfilment of the Great Commission.
It is in that context that we will be able to determine how we can be involved with assisting the Church, serving the Church, and partnering with the Church in seeing maturing churches established and reaching out among the least reached peoples of Africa.
Integral Vision is the Southeast African branch of an international alliance of church planting organizations we call Global Partners. Our presence in this region started in Mozambique and has grown into Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and also South Africa.
In Southeast Africa we still have people groups that need the gospel. So we are in need of church planting missionaries, people that are interested in Bible translation and literacy and teaching Foundational Bible Teaching in a cross-cultural context.
To keep them there, we also need more experienced missionaries to be part of our equipping program as well as others who can be part of a support team to those who go to minister in various cross-cultural contexts.
To see our Statement of Faith, click here.
To see our Vision Statement and Core Values Statement, click here.
What We Do
We serve the local church by equipping believers to be able to communicate cross-culturally, as well as equip the church to take on the responsibility for reaching those who are still unreached in Africa and around the world.
An exciting and important piece of the equipping aspect of our ministry is the missionary training program in South Africa that we call S.E.E. This stands for Serving, Equipping, and Empowering.